Welcome students. We’ll cover a lot of concepts during this course and it’s easy to forget the big ideas. To help you along, I’ve put together this collection of video shorts and podcasts. The media is organized according to our 7 CWV topics. Use the related podcasts linked under select video shorts to dig a little deeper.
NOTE, if you’re not a student in my class, CLICK HERE to read my recommendations on how to study Christian Worldview on your own or with your small group.
Topic 1: Understanding Worldview
The Orchestra Test for Worldviews
Topic 2: Understanding Origins & God as the Creator
Genesis 1:1—2:3
True Knowledge vs False Knowledge
Does science make belief in God unreasonable?
Does the biblical account of human origins fit the scientific evidence of biological evolution?
Topic 3: Understanding the Fall & the Consequences of Rejecting God
Who is God?
Topic 4: Understanding Jesus Christ & the God-Centered Mission
Who do you say that I am?
Jesus the King is Born
Topic 5: Understanding the Gospel & God’s call to Redemption and Holiness
2 Views of Justice & the Christian Worldview
Is Justice Love or Judgement
God’s Holiness & the Pursuit of Justice
Topic 6: Understanding Truth and Ethics & the Implication of Worldview
What is truth?
2 Worldviews and Our Perception of Truth
7 Spheres of Moral Decision Making
Is some life unworthy of life? How will you decide?
Topic 7: Understanding Purpose & God as the Source of Identity
How do you IDentify?
2 Views of Sex and Gender
More Worldview Resources
What in the World Is Your View?