About Me

Back in the mid-90s, before the concept of a "blog" was a thing, I built my first website. After almost 30 years of labour, I decided to step away from the grunt work of web design. However, I couldn't walk away from my passions, so I moved over to Substack to focus on creating content that builds community. My work isn’t perfect, but it reflects who I am—a flawed man offering my talents in service to my God. There are no teams of people behind me, More than Cake is just me, my computer, and my imagination doing all the research, writing, artwork, animation, video, and podcast production. I hope you inspired to join me.

On a personal note, I married my wife, Suzanne, in 1996. We have three amazing sons and one adorable pup named JuJu.

Here’s a fun fact, my first date with my wife Suzanne was on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Here’s the video. And yes, once we were married my wife made me throw away those sweat pants.

Before coming to Grand Canyon University in 2022 to serve as Assistant Professor of Christian Worldview, I was living in San Diego, CA. As a matter of fact, I’ve lived all over the US including Washington, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania where I was born and raised.

I have a fairly diverse educational background spanning six academic degrees in engineering, theology, philosophy, and ethics. Outside of academics, I’m the co-founder of the Center for Cultural Apologetics, the Assistant Director of Missional Prof. for a group called Ratio Christi, a Fellow with Reasons to Believe, and I serve on the academic advisory board for the Center for Biblical Unity.

To those who join the conversation, I look forward to knowing you.

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Most of my content is provided at no cost. Subscribe for free to receive newsletter updates for my latest posts, speaking events, interviews, and more. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Never miss an update.


Comments on posts are restricted to paid subscribers. This allows me to invest my time in the people most interested in the exchange of ideas and building an online community. In addition, it takes a lot of time and talent to generate content. I spend anywhere from 5 to 10 hours to create a single 5-minute video. Your paid subscription helps me learn what my community cares about and what new content to create.

Book an Event

I’d love to come and teach at your event, be a guest on your podcast, or preach the Good News of Jesus Christ at your church. I spent two decades in pastoral ministry and still love teaching the Bible on a Sunday. My broader speaking interests are in retreats or weekend events where I have the time to sit down, get to know you, and engage in meaningful dialogue.

Speaking Topics


I’m interested in the application of biblical ethics through the lens of a Christian worldview to contemporary issues surrounding human sacredness, personhood, rights, and dignity. Talks include the issues of scientific racism and sexual identity. To learn more, check out my work in this field.


My primary study is in the field of Hebrew cosmology, human origins, and the proper role of science in understanding Genesis. Related talks include AI and Transhumanism. To learn more, check out my work in this field.


My training is focused on transformational knowledge that fosters a lifestyle of worship dedicated to winning souls for Jesus and teaching others through loving relationships. I prefer workshop style events over stage events. To learn more, listen to episodes 1 and 2 from my podcast raZe the roof.


My research is in the history of American revivalism during the 2nd Great Awakening to advance a biblical understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit as the foundational work of Christian unity in Christ. To learn more, see my book, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: Spirit Baptism & Christian Unity.


As a church planter, my experience and research centers on shared leadership through a plurality of Elders and fostering intergenerational community. Related topics include the value of teaching teams for building Christian community. To learn more, see my book, Elders Lead a Healthy Family: Shared Leadership for a Vibrant Church.

Message Me

If you like my content, please know that I am available for speaking at conferences, workshops. and pulpit supply. Message me below.

Media Package

If you’ve booked me for an event, click the thumbnail image below to get the latest bio and headshot materials.

Why the name “More Than Cake”?

At the time of the French Revolution, King Louis XVI and his Queen Marie Antoinette were living large while the people starved. A loaf of bread, the staple of the French diet, cost as much as a year’s wage, and neither the King nor queen cared one bit. Marie never uttered the now-infamous words, “Let them eat cake,” but that phrase describes well her ambivalence toward the hungry masses.

Today, people are hungry for the truth, yet leaders demonstrate the same queenly arrogance by withholding the nourishing bread of life and offering instead the sweet-tasting confections of deception.

This site offers you More Than Cake with a consistent challenge to the status quo that so many people are longing to hear.

So I invite you all to come, sit, think, and be nourished by the bread of life.

Who Are the Blind Foxes?

You may have noticed images of a blindfold fox scattered throughout my site and wondered what they mean. In the early 2000s, I started using the fox for my hand-drawn cartoon series because it reminded me of the Aesop’s fables I read as a kid. The fox was always a cunning and deceptive animal that should be approached with caution. In one example from the Bible, foxes are used as a metaphor for those men or women who use their wiles to destroy the beauty of a flourishing marriage.

“Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.” — Song of Solomon 2:13–15 (ESV)

Jesus himself used the image of a fox to paint Herod as a shrewd and corrupt King (Luke 13:32).

I chose to make the Fox blindfolded because I think many of the leaders in the church, in our universities, and popular speakers are blinded to their own deception. The Blind Fox is a product of the age and culture in which we live. These men and women pretend to lead the church but lack the perspective to see that they are really blind guides, leading the crippled flock off the cliff’s edge. I hope my use of this imagery will help the people of God better discern the good shepherd from the Blind Fox.

“Avoid Puseyite and Romish foxes, for they seek to make a gain of you, and lead you not to Jesus, but to their Church and all its mummeries. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not in these deceivers.”
— Charles Spurgeon, The Sword and Trowel: 1865.

My Podcast

Equipping Christians to lovingly raZe the roof from the false shelters that blind the lost to the reality of sin, introduce them to Jesus, and lead them toward the safe shelter of God’s embrace. A podcast through MoreThanCake.org where the mission is to feed the mind and nourish the soul. Check out the archives HERE.

Subscribe to More Than Cake

Feed the Mind; Nourish the Soul w/Joseph R. Miller, DMin, PhD


Assistant Professor of Christian Worldview at Grand Canyon University, Incarnational Apologist for Ratio Christi, advisor for Center for Biblical Unity, and Fellow at Reasons to Believe.