As I look to the future, there are many unknowns. But living in the darkness of the unknown is not a new experience for me. Over the decades, I’ve lived in this land of shadows for days, weeks, months and even years at a time. Yet I’m encouraged by remembering the blessings God has given me.
Years ago at the start of our first adventure in church planting, the odds were stacked against my wife and me. In October 2005, I turned down a ministry position for the hope of planting Reunion Church. I turned down a salary and all the security that comes with working in an established church and in exchange I had no job, no income, and lots of bills—somehow the Lord provided. To this day I still can’t tell you how God did it. Over a period of several months we paid our mortgage, fed our kids, and paid every bill, and yet we had not one red cent of income.
My experience in church planting reminds me of Revelation 3:8 where God comforts the church in Philadelphia with these words,
I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
The church in Philadelphia had very little power. This church, much like my young church plant, was few in number and had few financial resources. Yet YHWH was reminding us daily that if we remained strong and walked through the open door, he would bless us.
My wife and I should’ve never survived all those months, but we did. Any time prior to 2005, I would’ve been the first to say “that’s impossible!” I would’ve been the first to say the road we were on is foolishness. Yet, step-by-step and day-by-day, God kept us moving forward. He opened doors and our opportunities were never limited by our meager resources.
Today, I look to the future of my life, the life of my sons, the life of the church, and the life of our nation and I’m overwhelmed by all the countless impossible challenges. Much like the church of Philadelphia, and like my early days in church planting, I don’t have the power to navigate all the obstacles, but my family is choosing to move forward in faith. How will God provide? I don’t know how, but I’m confident He will not fail us!
How do I know that God will take care of us? I know because God’s word in Revelation assures me that, “YHWH is the God of open doors.”