
Sin: The Gospel & Critical Theory

Session #3: Critical Race Theory & Christianity

Monique Dusson, founder of the Center for Biblical Unity, argues that critical race theory (CRT) condones sin because it promotes the idea that treating some groups unequally based on skin color or socioeconomic status can be justified if it advances underprivileged groups. Dusson believes that CRT ignores the fundamental Christian concept of sin as a heart issue and instead focuses on systems and structures, ultimately promoting a secular worldview that undermines the authority of God's Word and the truth of the Gospel. She emphasizes that only through a transformed heart, informed by the law and the gospel, can true justice and reconciliation be achieved.

This talk is the first of two given by Monique Duson at the 2021 CFCA conference on Critical Race Theory and Christianity. This video is now part of a small group curriculum you are free to use in your church or campus small group to foster meaningful discussions on the issue of race and reconciliation.

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