
Ep 1 - Apologetics is Incarnational

Incarnational apologetic IS primarily a relational discipline that occasionally breaks out in theoretical application.

Dr. Miller casts a vision for apologetics that is more than reason, more than storytelling, and more than cultural engagement. He explores both Peter and Paul’s use of "apologia," alongside the work of Francis Schaeffer, to cast a vision for Christian apologetics that is incarnational.


  1. Incarnational Apologetics IS NOT primarily s theoretical disciple that occasionally breaks out in practical application.

  2. Incarnational apologetics IS primarily a relational discipline that occasionally breaks out in theoretical application.

  3. Incarnational apologetics IS becoming the hands, the feet, the mind, and the voice of Christ to the people God puts in your life.

  4. Incarnational Apologetics IS an affirmation of biblical truth demonstrated in your shame-free lifestyle of holiness, your fearless proclamation of the Gospel, your zeal to do good works, and in the transformed life of your disciples.

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  1. Alister E. McGrath, Narrative Apologetics: Sharing the Relevance, Joy, and Wonder of the Christian Faith.

  2. William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics

  3. Francis A. Schaeffer, The God Who Is There.

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Below is a list of just a few of the big ideas discussed in this episode. Subscribers, feel free to weigh in with your own ideas and join me in the conversation.

  1. Incarnational Apologetics: This approach emphasizes living out the gospel through presence and relational engagement, embodying the hands, feet, mind, and voice of Christ ​​.

  2. Limitations of Reason: Reason alone is insufficient for apologetics; holistic engagement, including emotional and communal elements, is essential​​.

  3. Role of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, guiding believers in their apologetic mission ​​.

  4. Holiness as Evidence: A zeal for holiness and a transformed life serve as powerful evidence of the faith, supporting the message of the gospel​​.

  5. Relational Discipline: Incarnational apologetics prioritizes relational engagement over theoretical application, demonstrating biblical truth through compassionate and intimate interactions​​.

  6. Suffering and Pastoral Care: In times of suffering, people need pastoral care and the presence of others, highlighting the need for a shepherd's touch alongside philosophical arguments​​.

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