
Do Black Lives Matter?

Session #1: Critical Race Theory & Christianity

Leroy Hill argues against the application of critical race theory (CRT) to the question of whether black lives matter. Hill contends that CRT cannot confer ultimate meaning or value on black lives because it denies the existence of an objective standard, namely God. Conversely, Christianity affirms the inherent sacredness of all human life, including black lives, because all people are created in the image of God. He further argues that while CRT proponents can claim temporal meaning and value, ultimately, without God, existence is meaningless and life is absurd.

This talk is the first of two given by Leroy Hill at the 2021 CFCA conference on Critical Race Theory and Christianity. This video is now part of a small group curriculum you are free to use in your church or campus small group to foster meaningful discussions on the issue of race and reconciliation.

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