
Church as the Moral Gatekeeper in an Age of Schisms

Session #4: Critical Race Theory & Christianity

This talk is the second of two given by Jacob Daniel who argues that Western culture has entered a period of moral decline due to the rejection of God and objective truth. Daniel contends that this has led to a societal crisis characterized by a lack of lasting commitments and a reliance on subjective preferences, creating a culture of cynicism and spiritual nihilism. He emphasizes the need for Christians to engage in evangelism not just of individuals but also of culture, by upholding God's truth and demonstrating the transformative power of the gospel. Daniel concludes by encouraging listeners to be bold witnesses for Christ in a world that has abandoned the true source of meaning and purpose.

This talk is the second of two given by Jacob Daniel at the 2021 CFCA conference on Critical Race Theory and Christianity. This video is now part of a small group curriculum you are free to use in your church or campus small group to foster meaningful discussions on the issue of race and reconciliation.

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