This cartoon comes from a true story of a local pastor who, after each service, sits behind a velvet rope and allows the people to come through a line to shake his hand. The people are also allowed to give him money as they pass through the line. I look at this image as a metaphor for ministry in general. Here are the questions I ask myself and I hope you will ask of yourself as well.
How have you seen pastors create these velvet fences? Fences between the shepherd and the sheep? Fences between the church and the world? Fences between the congregation and God? Fences to the very truth of the Gospel?
How have we, the sheep, created these velvet fences? Fences between the shepherd and the sheep? Fences between the church and the world? Fences between the congregation and God? Fences to the very truth of the Gospel?
These are some of my questions and there are more. Share your thoughts about Blind Foxes and Velvet Fences