
Avoiding Woke Hermeneutics

Session #2: Critical Race Theory & Christianity

Krista Bontrager, a theologian and apologist with the Center for Biblical Unity, argues against what she calls "woke hermeneutics," a method of interpreting the Bible through the lens of social analysis. Bontrager claims this approach confuses biblical interpretation with application and incorrectly asserts that truth depends on social position. She contrasts woke hermeneutics with a classical model of biblical interpretation, arguing that it is possible to recover the author's intent and that there is an objective meaning to the text. Bontrager concludes that historic Christianity is not inherently white or Western, and there is a shared tradition of interpretation regardless of social position.

"Truth doesn't have a color, a gender, or socioeconomic status."

This talk is the first of two given by Krista Bontrager at the 2021 CFCA conference on Critical Race Theory and Christianity. This video is now part of a small group curriculum you are free to use in your church or campus small group to foster meaningful discussions on the issue of race and reconciliation.

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